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Giselle O.

Where She Went Book Review

Updated: Jul 8, 2020

My Thoughts: Okay, if I am truly and wholly honest with myself this is probably is one of my favorite book. Now I don't like this for two reasons. 1. This book is a sequel, I don't have anything against sequels it just feels a little wrong that my favorite novel is not the beginning to something, but instead the end. 2. And this one is the gut puncher...My sister read it first. There are not a lot of books that fall into the category of my sister getting to it before me, I mean my sister does enjoy reading, but she doesn't have the constant need for books that I do. But she did read the If I Stay duopoly first and she did recommend them to me... and I did fall in love with them (especially Where She Went) hard. The physical book is actually hers (she got it as a gift), I just borrow (aka steal) it from her room... a lot. But even so, this novel speaks to me on another level. Whether it be the lyrics at the beginning of every other chapter, or the emotions you can feel melting off the pages, this book is practically my bible. Whenever I need to lose myself or find myself I always end up coming back to this book. One more thing, this book needs a movie, I watched If I Stay with my sister for a birthday when it first came out, and if they don't make Where She Went, I just might not make it. I watch the movie every time before I read the book, and now I need Where She Went the movie, for after. It's imperative to my health... okay I think that's it, now on with the review.

My Summary: Taking place three years after the crash that altered Mia's life forever, nothing is the same. Mia has just graduated from Julliard and is about to go on tour, while Adam and his band Shooting Stars has taken off and become huge names in the music industry. They haven't seen each other since Mia left for New York, and he was left in the dust. What came out of being left behind, was a great music career, that is currently consuming him until there will be nothing left. Until one day in New York, Adam goes to see Mia in concert and she invites him on one night. A night of questions and answers, a night of acquainting and memories, and a night of hellos and goodbyes. She invites him on a tour of the city that she has made her home.

Overall Rating: 9.5

Justification: This book makes me feel things. Really it's on another level. I have cried more because of this book than I have about every other book I have read together (except for Me Before You... that ending gets me every time). This book is everything you need in a romance, plus it gives you a little existential crisis about what makes life least that what it does for me. Anywho another plus of this book is how short it is. It isn't as lengthy as the fifth Harry Potter novel, which allows me to read it whenever I want. There doesn't have to be a lot of commitment. I think my favorite part of this book is the way it makes me feel. It's a feeling that I rarely get (After listening to Bohemian Rhapsody, dancing to Suavemente or singing Pray by Sam Smith), it's like I'm standing right on the line of reality and fantasy. I have chills and the world has gone weirdly quiet, I can see and feel everything around me, but it's like I'm underwater. Everything has gone slow and I know that the bliss that I just felt is about to go away, but for a moment I get to feel it, like nothing else in the world matters. I just feel the repercussions of what I just read and let it sink into me until the next time. I'm sure not everyone feels this way when they read it, but maybe just maybe you will so go. Go and read this wonderful amazing book.

P.s. If I do not get the Collateral Damage album that I have been so desperately wishing for I might soon get truly desperate and try to become a singer-songwriter myself. Pray that that does not happen.

Character Rating: 8.5

Justification: Adam Wilde: The hard on the outside, soft on the inside Wildman. Adam is a star, that is in the dire need of saving. He feels like the world is falling apart around him, and there is absolutely nothing he can do about it. On another note, I need the collateral damage album more than I need oxygen! My constant wish, whenever I throw a coin in a fountain or blow out birthday candles, is that I can get the chance to listen even once to this album. I mean you can't throw lyrics at me like that and not think that I wouldn't be dying for more.

Mia Hall: Our favorite cellist, that has been dealt a hard deck of cards. Mia is my baby, but I tend to get very mad at her whenever I read this book. All the hurt she caused Adam (my other baby), well it practically lights a fire under my butt. Yet, I am still proud of my girl and all that she has accomplished so I can't be that butt hurt about. One thing that made me enjoy her character so much in this book is her love for New York. The way she feels so comfortable makes me want to go there and experience it all just how she does.

Liz: Liz was 100% redeemed for me in this book from the last. It's not that I didn't like Liz before it's just that she became so much more in Where She Went. We got to find out how she recruited Adam to the band, saw her stick up for Adam (even when everyone thought he was a piece of trash), and saw that she got her happy ending. I think about this a lot about characters in books, but every single person needs a friend like Liz in their life.

My Favorite Line: "I'll be your mess, you be mine

That was the deal that we had signed

I bought a hazmat suit to clean up your waste

Gas masks, gloves, to keep us safe

But now I'm alone in an empty room

Staring down immaculate doom”

-Adam Wilde: Messy, Collateral Damage















Okay, here we go...

Mia remembers the oath that Adam made to her when she was in a coma. Not only that but then they get their much-needed closer and just when Adam is about to leave for good, letting her go, Mia comes back. And even though they know it will be difficult at times, they get back together. Don't get me wrong it's not like all their problems magically disappear, but finding each other allows them to open up themselves onto a world of new opportunities.

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