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Giselle O.

Eliza and Her Monsters Review

Updated: Jul 8, 2020

My Thoughts: Holy mother of cheeseballs this book is amazing. I just finished it and feel like it's my sacred duty to share this book with the world. When I first decided to read this book, I was not expecting it to be everything that this book turned out to be. The cute bits, the characters, the development said characters go though. This book touched me in a way I haven't been in a while. I grew to not only like these characters, but genuinely want to connect with them as individuals. I mean everybody wants to meet Harry Potter, but I want to grow old with these characters and talk about the good old days... I should really go outside more often... anyways READ THIS BOOK!!! I promise it will be worth your time, also read it don't audiobook it. I am a true lover of audiobooks, but to get the full effect of this novel you must have at least an ebook. Okay, now you can read the rest of this review.

My Summary: Eliza lives two different lives. In one of her lives, she is an introvert who talks to no one at school and is known as a freak. In the other life, she is Lady Constellation, creator of the comic Monstrous Sea that has millions of fans. These two worlds start coming together when Wallace, a major fan of Monstrous Sea, starts to become her friend. She must navigate not only her growing feelings for the new boy, but also a work-life balance, and how to deal with everything that's going on inside her head.

Overall Rating: 9 Justification: This book is everything!! I read this book in 5 or 6 hours, and not because I wanted to go through it quickly, but because I just couldn't get enough. It makes a fan truly think about the impact that their words can have on the creator and how much stress they are under. I truly felt for poor Eliza. All the happiness riding on her shoulders. Well, I just can't imagine having to go through that. In other news, I need to read Monstrous Sea now, because I really want to hop on the bandwagon.

Character Rating: 9.5 Justification: Eliza Mirk: My baby. I feel like I have to wrap her up in a blanket like a burrito and put some hot chocolate in front of her. Girl works her self to the breaking point and needs to learn a work-life balance. I have never been more worried about a character's health until I met this girl. I just wish this amazing artist all the happiness and bliss in the world.

Wallace: Aka rainmaker is a major figure in Monstrous Sea forums known for his fan fiction. He is an amazing writer, that has an alternate life off the internet as well. Wallace just changed schools during his senior year, has many secrets, and can't talk in any place he is not comfortable in. Also, he has the body of a football well just leave that there.

Eliza's Parents: I get that parents don't get everything their teenage children are involved in, but these parents just might kill me. The way they undermine her work got to me so much, I could have screamed. Don't get me wrong they did try to understand her, and they do love her, but oh my goodness sake, communication! Please! I mean they don't even know she could easily afford college by herself! As you can see they really bothered me...

My Favorite Line: “You found me in a constellation.” -Eliza Spoilers: Seriously if you don't want to








Okay, here we go... People are mean! Her parent accidentally leak her identity, and she has a panic attack and school, and then when she wakes up the comments she gets are really awful, her parents don't get what they've done until her little brother yells at them (go him!), and Wallace acts super betrayed, kinda says he'll hate her forever if she doesn't finish the comic (at said point I could have punched him in the face), and then she thinks about committing suicide. Yeah, it got dark really fast. Anywho, thank goodness she gets some help, talks to some people (Wallace and one of her favorite authors included, ends up taking a break before college and ends up finishing up her comic. Go Eliza! We are proud of a determined girl!

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