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Giselle O.

The Bird and the Blade

My Thoughts: This fricking book. I am saying that in the best and worst way possible. Meaning I loved this book so much that in the end, it broke me. Like by the end of this book I was balling my eyes out crying in agony. But that's all the spoilers you'll hear from me. Really this book is so very beautiful. The world-building, the characters, the story as a whole! This book was perfection. I kinda wish I could forget about just so I could have the experience of reading it again for the first time. Man, I just finished this book, and my hands are shaking I think I am coming off a book high. So my thoughts... Read this book it will leave you broken, but it's so well written and amazing that you'll be dying for more.

My Summary: This book is actually a retelling of the story Prince Khalaf and the Princess of China from the collection of tales, The Thousand and One Days. Like most retellings, this story follows the same storyline and takes some liberties for it's own. Our story begins with Jinghua who is a slave to one of the Khan's of the Mongol Empire. She lost everything her family, home, and freedom, but can't help but warm to the brilliant Prince Khalaf when he is kind to her. When the kingdom is overtaken by the enemy she decides she has nothing to lose and decides to go on the run with the Khan and the Prince. Throughout their journey, the three go through many hardships and start to bond. More so than that Jinghua and Khalaf start to have feelings for each other. Even so, Khalaf has to stay loyal to his country and with this in mind enters a contest to win the Great Khan daughter's hand in marriage. This Contest entails that he answers 3 riddles. If he does then he becomes the Great Khan, but if he doesn't he dies.

Overall Rating: 9.7/10

Justification: I said it once and I'll say it again. The writing, the characters, the world-building, and the story in general in this book are pretty much perfection. When I say everyone needs to read this book I mean it whole heartedly. I fell in love with this book, and could not put it down for a second. The only reason it's not getting an even higher rating is because it took a second for me to understand the world as it goes back in forth between the past and the present, but once I got a hang of it I was good to go. Also it's a lowborn romance and isn't that the best kind of romance (other than hate to lovers).

Character Rating: 9.5/10


Jinghua: This girl deserves so much better than the life she was dealt with. She constantly thinks less of herself, which I don't really like in a book character, but if I grew up in the world and conditions she did I would probably be like her to. Like no one was good to this poor life, in her prior life, or her life now so I can in no way blame her for it. Jinghua is smart and kind and in my opinion a very good protagonist. Not to mention she is supposed to be a very good singer. I really like her and want the world for her.

Prince Khalaf: Khalaf is described to be intelligent before anything else, but to me and Jinghua he is so much more. I mean sure he can memorize anything after reading it once and has a great mind for battle strategy, but he also gave a slave who he caught stealing not one, but two apples. He also was a diligent son, he also learned a new language in order to get to know a friend better. This guy is gold and if he was a real person you know I'd be in line with 100,000 other girls to marry him.

Khan Timur: Or as Jinghua calls him in her mind, old goat. This man. Okay first off I can't tell him is a good dad or a bad dad. He loves his son don't get me wrong, but he never lets him speak his mind. Maybe that's how all dads were back then. What I can say about this man is that the more I read this book the more I grew to like him and by the end love him. I'm still not sure if he is a good person or bad, but I do know that he by far had the most character growth out of anyone; by the end of the book, I wanted him to be my grandfather.

My Favorite Line: “And wilderness is paradise now.” - Jinhhua (I always sob during this line.)


(For this book I really don't suggest looking at the spoilers, I came into this book with little prior knowledge and I think it would ruin the whole experience if I didn't. So in hopes of you not reading any further, I'm putting in a few more obstacles than I usually would.)





















Okay, here we go...

Jinghua was actually a princess that kingdom got taken over, something that was pretty easy to guess. What wasn't easy to guess was that she was sent on a mission by the people who took her kingdom and enslaved her to kill Khalaf. In exchange for this she could go back home and live a comfortable life. Jingua wasn't expecting such a good guy so instead of killing him she ended up falling in love with him. Due to duty Khalaf entered the competition and with Jinghua's help won, but the daughter of the Great Khan wasn't happy about this. Khalaf then gave her a riddle stating that if she found out the answer (that was his name) she could kill him. She finds Jinghua and tells he in exange for giving his name to her she would give her a good life, but Jinghua says she would never because she loves him. Even when the Great Khan's daughter says she'll kill her by whipping, Jingua says nothing and kills herself instead. Khalaf and is devastated, but ends up marrying the princess, though he never grows to love her. Even when he grows old he thinks about Jinghua, and he forever loves her.

Yeah, so now you know why I was crying so much. I in no way wanted or expected this ending, but at the same time I don't think it could have ended in a better way... I mean other than happily ever after. I really hope they get together in together in the afterlife.

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